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VoiceAbility is a national advocacy charity that supports people who face disadvantage or discrimination to have a voice that counts.

Total Voice Cambridgeshire and Peterborough is the collective ...

Community & familyPeople with disabilitiesWellbeingSocial justice

About VoiceAbility (Total Voices Cambridgeshire and Peterborough project)

VoiceAbility is a national advocacy charity that supports people who face disadvantage or discrimination to have a voice that counts.

Total Voice Cambridgeshire and Peterborough is the collective name for our range of advocacy and community services in those areas. By offering lots of different options, it means that you can contact the service and be supported straight away to find the right service for you.

We have a range of opportunities:

Peer Mentors
Using your lived experience of mental health problems to create a short term, supportive and understanding relationship with someone who requires support.

Peer Plus
Providing one to one short term support and encouragement to people on inpatient mental health wards in Peterborough and Cambridgeshire

Group advocacy
Facilitating group meetings or getting involved with event preparation and co-ordination.

Steering committee member
Deciding how our new community services will work (this would include coming along to monthly steering meetings). You would need to have direct experience of using advocacy, disability or mental health services in order to join this group.

Awareness Raising / Community Engagement Helping to spread the word about advocacy. We want everyone in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough to understand advocacy and how to access it.

Speaking to people who have used Total Voice services in order to find out how their experience was and how we can continuously improve.

You can volunteer as little, or as much as you want. Some of the roles will require a greater level of commitment than others and we can talk through the roles and your own availability when you contact us.


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VoiceAbility (Total Voices Cambridgeshire and Peterborough project)