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WZC Humanitas

WZC Humanitas

Non-profit or charity


Residential and care center Humanitas is a house on a general basis, part of a foundation, located on Radboudlaan. All employees of the organization assume that the resident is central. This means ...

WellbeingCommunity & familyHealth


Organisation role · 2–3 hrs/Week · Starting from 22 Feb 2024
Radboudlaan 1, 7415 VA Deventer, Netherlands
WellbeingCommunity & familyHealth
Applications closing in 10 months.
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WZC Humanitas
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Vindt u het leuk om met ouderen te zingen? Dan is deze vacature voor u. Elke donderdag om 10:30 gaan we met een groep ouderen zingen.
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Applications closing in 10 months.
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About WZC Humanitas

Residential and care center Humanitas is a house on a general basis, part of a foundation, located on Radboudlaan. All employees of the organization assume that the resident is central. This means that the client indicates what care etc. he or she needs and then discusses this with the employees. The independence, the right to self-determination and the privacy of the client are of paramount importance to us. Within the Humanitas organization, voluntary work is an addition to professional care. The volunteer is deployed where professional care ends. This means that there are additional options for providing services to the elderly. However, voluntary work cannot be seen and experienced as voluntary. The volunteer is seen as a full member of the organization, with his or her own place in the organization, profile and job description.
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