Help bring the historic Keern Cemetery back to life
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The St. Friends of the Keern cemetery in Hoorn wants to make a biography of those buried here. Help us with that!Detailed description
Almost 3000 people are buried at the historic Keern cemetery in Hoorn. Including war victims and famous Horinese. We are working on making a biography of all these people (with photos where possible) and publishing it via the knowledge base of Vereniging Oud Hoorn. This requires a lot of (digital) research in archives. We can use a lot of help with that. You can do this work at home on your own computer when it suits you best.
You will be given a list of names whose life histories we want to describe. From this you make a choice in consultation with us. We also provide a list of sites where you are likely to find the most information. For the rest it is a lot of googling.
You can determine how much time you spend on this. Interest in research and (family) history is useful.
If you like, you can write a life history yourself or you can send us your research results and we will write the life history based on your information.