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Solidez Kind aan Huis

Solidez Kind aan Huis

Non-profit or charity


Kind aan Huis offers families support through practical help and friendship to parents with children up to 15 years old in the municipality of Wageningen.

WellbeingChildren & youthCommunity & family
Good health and well-beingSustainable cities and communitiesReduced inequalities
Child at home

Child at home

Organisation role · 1–2 hrs/Week
Rooseveltweg 408a, 6707 GX Wageningen, Netherlands
AccompanyingYouth work
WellbeingChildren & youthCommunity & family
Good health and well-beingReduced inequalitiesSustainable cities and communities
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Solidez Kind aan Huis
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Contact person

Marri GeuskensAsk Marri a question


Are you an early riser and do you enjoy taking a 6-year-old autistic boy to school? Then we are looking for you.

Detailed description

For a family from Bangladesh we are looking for an enthusiastic volunteer who will pick up an autistic boy from home in the morning and take him to school. Because his mother does not dare to cycle with him and his father has to work early, he needs someone to take him away.

It is about 20 minutes or 5 minutes by bike. This involves 2 or 3 mornings a week.

Getting there

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About Solidez Kind aan Huis

Kind aan Huis offers families support through practical help and friendship to parents with children up to 15 years old in the municipality of Wageningen.
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