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Opportunity of the week

Each week, we'll select 3 opportunities of the week. Do you want to be opportunity of the week? Contact us!

Do you like a party? Register as a volunteer at the Hoogte80 Festival!
Event · 9 May, 09:00 – 13 May, 00:00
Do you like a party? Register as a volunteer at the Hoogte80 Festival!
Contribute to one of the best festivals in Gelderland. This can be done in all kinds of ways and in all kinds of functions!Posted by Stichting Hoogte80 Festivals

Denk mee over de toekomst van Nederland

Doe mee en laat je mening horen! We nodigen je uit om deel te nemen aan de grootschalige enquête Namens Nederland - gelanceerd in samenwerking met meer dan 70 mede-initiatiefnemers - om mee te denken over de toekomst van Nederland.

Jouw mening en de antwoorden op de vragen die Namens Nederland stelt zijn van onschatbare waarde voor de beleidsmakers van Nederland: hoe geven we vorm aan onze toekomst, vandaag, morgen én overmorgen?

De enquête is breed gedragen en wordt ondersteund door diverse mede-initiatiefnemers, zoals maatschappelijke organisaties, mediapartijen, vakbonden, bedrijven en verenigingen. Hoe meer mensen meedoen, des te sterker is het draagvlak voor de resultaten. Laten we samen werken aan een betere en mooiere toekomst!

Namens Nederland

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Post an opportunity on Deedmob to find new volunteers!

Did you already create an organisation? Post an opportunity on Deedmob by clicking the button below!

Or post an individual help request

Do you have an individual help request? Post an opportunity on Deedmob by clicking the button below!

Sustainable Development Goals

Take action for a sustainable world!

The SDGs (sustainable development goals) are seventeen goals to make the world a better place by 2030. They are a global compass for challenges such as poverty, education and the climate crisis. See how you, as an organisation or as an individual, can contribute to achieving these SDG's goals as explained for each volunteer vacancy or request a demo how our technology can help your organisation measure SDGs data via volunteering

Sustainable Development Goals

Get in touch with some of our volunteering partners across the world

Ready to build & grow your organisation’s community?

Our technology helps activate, empower and scale the impact of volunteering communities via your own styled Deedmob platform

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